Hmm...where to begin...
Well, if you are still reading this blog, then you probably guessed from my last post that I have been a bit down. This period of sadness began after I returned to the States from my almost one month of traveling to Australia, New Zealand and Bonaire. Traveling, exploring, chasing after sharks (which totally freaked out the hubs; an unexpected response to seeing sharks), living life on the edge, and seeing God's beauty, really awakened my soul. I found myself pondering a lot of things about life, and I felt like God was pushing me to do something, but I didn't know what to do. I just felt helpless and lost. I won't go into details, but I finally decided to do something about it.
I began to pray.
I asked God to reveal to me what he wants for my life. If he wanted me to stay put, then I prayed for him to help me to be more content, joyful and grateful for the life I have been given. But, if he had a different plan than what I was currently doing, I prayed for him to lead me and I would trust in him and follow.
I became more and more restless, but I also was clinging tighter and tighter to God putting my complete trust and faith in him.
I also began reaching out to others. Thank you God for friends and family. He has given me some amazing, wonderful and supportive people in my life, who have really given me so much love, joy and encouragement these past few months. Not too mention, a wonderful, patient and loving husband. Thank you to all who prayed, emailed me, sent me an encouraging song, scripture, positive quote from Pinterest :), sat and cried with me, and simply love me.
Joy was slowly restored, hope replaced despair, peace came over me and God healed my broken thoughts.
A job opportunity fell into my lap. A completely new career path that would take advantage of my skill set in a new and productive way.
I prayed earnestly to God about it. As did many others.
And in 3 weeks, I will start this new path. I am still in shock how quickly God moved. I was chosen over people who had experience, who were certified, who were more knowledgeable.
But, they chose me. In fact, I was told that they "loved" my personality and enthusiasm.
That is all God's doing.
I tell you this not to boast about myself, but to boast about what God has done for me. Just in case you are where I was, I truly and whole-heartedly believe that if you bring it to God, trust in him, completely surrender to his will, he will do things in your life that will amaze you. Because he loves you that much. It may not be what you expected or planned, but it is what he has created especially for you.
"Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done
for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;
but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God,
who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!" ~ Psalm