Thursday, June 2, 2011

What a life...

There are so many things I love about being married, but one of my FAVORITE things are the nightly slumber parties we have that include HILARIOUS conversations, funny facial expressions, voice impersonations, and So You Think You Can Dance and Ultimate Fighter reenactments.

Last night was no exception - from watching SYTYCD and UFC to reminiscing about Teddy Grahams (cinnamon flavor to be exact) to talking in a deep southern voice about brown sugar and barbecue sauce. I literally wake up every morning with a sore stomach from the amount of laughing we do before bedtime.

Personally, I think laughing is the best way to fall asleep. Difficult, but fun.

1 comment:

Shannon Leigh Anderson said...

HAHA, I love you two (eve though I don't know your hubby)
Congrats on you anniversary! WOO HOO!!!